As a freelancer, it's important to have a great team of other freelancers by your side. Below you'll find information about all the great women who are part of the slowstudio team in one way or another.

slowstudio connections

Podcast co-host & content creator @sesseliadan

Sesselia Dan Róbertsdóttir

Hi! I'm Sesselía, a small-town girl from Iceland who loves everything creative. Fashion, photography, video making, writing and all kinds of design. I work as a freelance content creator, specialising in creating inspiring and visually appealing content for like-minded businesses. I thrive in an open and creative environment, exploring ideas and being inspired by others. If this suits you and your business too, get in touch!

Makeup artist & marketing representative at Bpro Iceland

Lukka Óðinsdóttir

Makeup artist & store owner @margretleabachmann @shayverslun

Margrét Lea Bachmann